• Ramasamy V., Murahari P., Banapurmath N.R., Ayachit N.H., Ramesh K., Nivedhitha K.S., Shetty H.D., Vadlamudi C., Krishnappa S., Structural, morphological, and photoluminescence properties of nitrogen-doped CNTs and graphitic carbon nanostructures, (2024) Journal of Materials Science, 59 (29), pp. 13532 - 13540, DOI: 10.1007/s10853-024-09978-7.
    • Rashmi S. Adoor, Narasimha.H. Ayachit, Sushant A. Haladkar, Srikrishna Saratale, Mangesh Desai, Kishor Upadhyaya, Structural correlation with the electrochemical properties of carbon nano-spheres/polyaniline nanocomposite films, Polymer Bulletin volume 79, pages1669–1677 (2022).
    • Rashmi S. Adoor, Narasimha.H. Ayachit, Sushant A. Haladkar, Srikrishna Saratale, Mangesh Desai, Kishor Upadhyaya, Structural correlation with the electrochemical properties of carbon nano-spheres/polyaniline nanocomposite films, Polymer Bulletin, 2021,
    • Mahesh M. Shanbhag, Nagaraj P. Shetti, Shankara S. Kalanur, Bruno G. Pollet, Kishor P. Upadhyaya, Narasimha H. Ayachit, Tejraj M. Aminabhavi, Hf-Doped Tungsten Oxide Nanorods as Electrode Materials for Electrochemical Detection of Paracetamol and Salbutamol, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021,
    • Danish Shamoon, Kishor Upadhyaya, Sonnada M. Shivaprasad, Observation of monochromatic and coherent luminescence from nanocavities of GaN nanowall network, Scientific Reports, volume 11, 9368 (2021).
    • Ramasamy, V., Murahari, P., Banapurmath, N.R., Ramesh, K., Growth of spherical carbon nitride with crystalline alpha and beta phases Carbon Trends, 2021, Issue 5, 100079.
    • Venkatesh Ramasamy, Pumlianmunga, Ramesh Karuppannan, Synthesis of beta carbon nitride nanostructures by simple CVD-pyrolysis method, Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 111, January 2021, 108172,
    • Shamoon, D., Upadhyaya, K., Shivaprasad, S.M., Observation of monochromatic and coherent luminescence from nanocavities of GaN nanowall network, Scientific Reports, 11, Article number: 9368 (2021), DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-88660-3.
    • S.S.Hegde, Prashantha Murahari, Brian Jeevan Fernandes, R.Venkatesh, K.Ramesh, Synthesis, thermal stability and structural transition of cubic SnS nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 820, 15 April 2020, 153116,
    • Kishor Upadhyaya; Narasimha Ayachit; S. M. Shivaprasad, Ag/GaN hybrid nanostructures for optoelectronics applications, Mar 2020 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
    • Upadhyaya, Kishor, Ayachit, Narasimha, Shivaprasad, S. M., Stress induced modification of electronic band structure and enhanced optical emission in 1-D GaN nanostructures, Solid State Sciences, Volume 105, article id. 106242, July 2020,
    • Kishor Upadhyaya, Narasimha Ayachit, S. M. Shivaprasad, Comparison of optoelectronic properties of epitaxial and non-epitaxial GaN nanostructures, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, Pg. no.16, p. 13756-13764,
    • R. Venkatesh, N.R. Banapurmath, Sachin Modagi, Shankar A. Hallad, Ashok S. Shetter, Analysis of the effect of sputter power on the morphological and mechanical characteristics of titanium thin films deposited on high-speed steel (HSS), Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 27, Part 1, 2020, Pages 59–61.
    • R. Venkatesh, N.R. Banapurmath, K. Ramesh, A. Venkatesh, Swapnil A. Khandake, Pramod R. Kurade, Sachin M. Modagi, M. Nipun Nitin, Ashok S. Shettar, Enhancement of open circuit voltage of CdTe solar cell, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 27, Part 1, 2020, Pages 117-119.
    • Upadhyaya, K., Sharvani, S.S., Ayachit, N., Shivaprasad, S.M., Charge transfer-induced enhancement of a Raman signal in a hybrid Ag-GaN nanostructure, 2019, RSC Advances, 9(49), pp. 28554-28560.
    • Shiva, L.U., Ayachit, N.H., Udachan, L.A., Electrical and microstructural properties of silver thin films, 2019, International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials, 12(2), pp. 221-236.
    • Aasim U. Mokashi, Sharanabasava V. Ganachari, Jayachandra S. Yaradoddi, Rakesh P. Tapaskar, Nagaraj R. Banapurmath, Ashok S. Shettar, Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Strontium Ferrite and its gas sensing studies, IConMMEE 2018 IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012055.
    • Arvind Binod, Sharanabasava V. Ganachari, Jayachandra S. Yaradoddi, Rakesh P. Tapaskar, Nagaraj R. Banapurmath, Ashok S. Shettar, Biological synthesis and characterization of tri- metallic alloy (Au Ag, Sr) nanoparticles and its sensing studies, IConMMEE 2018 IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012054.
    • Parvathi Patil, Lakshmidevi V., Sharanabasava V. Ganachari, A. Venkataraman, “Fluorescence studies on organic acids doped PANI-PVA thin films and quenching with picric acid”,  International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, Vol. 3 Issue. 3 pp. 3259-3269. 2017.
    • S Sharvani, Kishor Upadhayaya, Gayatri Kumari, Chandrabhas Narayana and S M Shivaprasad, “Nano-morphology induced additional surface plasmon resonance enhancement of SERS sensitivity in Ag/GaN nanowall network”, Nanotechnology, (2015) Volume 26, 46. [Impact factor by Thomson Reuters - 3.821].
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