From the billions of transistor chips inside our computers to the massive power grids that supply power to our communities and cities, Electrical engineers design, deploy and maintain these remarkable and complex systems.

Electrical and Electronics engineers are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining electrical devices and networks that power our world and impacting every segment of our society, from agriculture to modern mobility.


The electrical Engineering curriculum provides a solid fundamental background in the engineering sciences, mathematics, analog and digital electronics, microprocessors, controls, embedded systems, design, modeling, coding, electrical machines, and power systems. This background is strengthened with laboratories with hands-on experience and design courses. In the senior years, students can choose specializations within the program in Power Systems, Embedded Systems, VLSI, or Electrical Vehicles.

The curriculum emphasizes building strong computer skills required for electrical & electronics engineers. The coursework is complemented with interventions to sharpen or develop soft skills like communication, teamwork, interpersonal skills, and critical thinking, which are essential for a successful career. From the first to the final year, students have opportunities to carry out several projects in which student teams, working with faculty/industry mentors, put their knowledge to work on a real-world issue to find innovative solutions to engineering problems. The program also offers the option of doing an internship with industry or research labs.

Course Curriculum
Semester I
Single Variable Calculus
Engineering Physics
Engineering Mechanics
C Programming for Problem solving
Basic Electrical Engineering
Social Innovation
Engineering Physics Lab
Semester II
Multivariable Calculus
Engineering Chemistry
Problem Solving with Data Structures
Engineering Exploration
Basic Electronics
Basic Mechanical Engg.
Professional Communication
Semester III
Integral Transforms and Statistics
Corporate Communication
Circuit Analysis
Analog Electronic Circuits
Electrical Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Digital Circuits
Analog Electronics Laboratory
Digital Circuits Laboratory
Microcontroller Architecture & Programming
C Programming (For Lateral entry students only)
Semester IV
Linear Algebra and Partial Differential equations
Problem Solving Analysis
ARM Processor & Applications
Linear Control Systems
Electrical Machines
Signals & Systems
Power Electronics
ARM Microcontroller Lab
Digital System Design using Verilog
Data Structure Applications Lab
Data Structure Using C Lab (Diploma)
Semester V
Arithmetical Thinking & Analytical Reasoning
Power System Analysis & Stability
OS & Embedded Systems
Linear Integrated Circuits
Machine Learning
Digital Signal Processing
Electric Drives & Control
Machines Lab
Data acquisition and controls Lab
Data Structure Applications Lab
Mini project
Semester VI
Professional Aptitude and Logical reasoning
Industry Readiness & Leadership Skills
Automotive Electronics
CMOS VLSI Circuits
Program Elective 1
Object Oriented Programming using C++
Program Elective 2
Battery Management Systems
Modelling and Analysis of Hybrid Electrical Energy Systems
Power Electronics & Drives lab
Automotive Electronics Lab
Minor Project
Data Structure Using C Lab (Diploma)
Semester VII
Power System Operation & Control
Program Elective 3
Program Elective  4
Program Elective 5
Relay and High Voltage Engineering lab
Semester VIII
Program Elective 6
Industry Internship
Open Elective
  • Fee Structure

    Sl.No Particular CET Fees
    1 Tuition Fees 69214.00
    2 Statutory Fees 100.00
    3 Curricular Activities Fees 25490.00
    4 Special Purpose Fees 1770.00
    Total Rs. 96574.00


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