‘All work and no play make Jack a dull boy’ We at KLE Tech University understand the importance of this saying very well.

We organize various sports events on campus. Some of the most prominent ones include

  • Athletics
  • Cricket
  • Badminton
  • Football
  • Lawn Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball

This is the reason we have always given due attention to sports activities on campus. Irrespective of the field or domain that students opt for, they should have team spirit to achieve the desired success in that particular field. And, sports activities inculcate that winning spirit in them. Dispersed throughout the year, the primary focus always remains on both outdoor and indoor sports activities.

We always encourage those students who have an ardent interest in different sports and they can win laurels in them. So far, our students have participated in a large number of sports competitions/tournaments while making us proud of their achievements.


Different Sports
and Games


Covid-19 Readiness

The COVID-19 Pandemic has had a deep impact on both higher education and the general healthcare system across the globe.

Adapting to the culture of the “new normal,” KLE Tech University has rigorously worked well for Covid-19 Readiness. We have created a systematic approach for the tracking and tracing of Coronavirus within the campus. We have established a well-equipped centre to fight against the pandemic.

A strict charter has been prepared to track, trace and treat the affected ones. An emergency helpline number has also been set up for the students so that they can make immediate contact with the concerned staff.

Emergency helpline number


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