List of external funded projects




Name ofthe Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs

Name ofthe Principal Investigator/ Co-Investigator (if applicable)

Name ofthe Funding agency



Year ofAward

Fundsprovided (INR in lakhs)
1 DigitalCreation to Enable Gamification Based on Indian Ethos Dr. UmaMudenagudi,Dr. Meena S M,Dr. Sujatha C SERB-INAE Government E&C/CSE 2023-24 63.89
2 Study of optical and transport properties of MetalNano particles doped lithium bismuth borate glasses for the optoelectronicdevice and biomaterial applications Dr. Sangeeta B Kolavekar VGST Government Physics 2023-24 30


S.No Name of the Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (ifapplicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Department Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 MATOMAC : Development of LPWAN ASIC/SoC SarojaSiddamal
Co-PI: Dr. Suneeta V Budihal
MeitY Government SoECE 500
2 Development of Cobots integrated with AutonomousMobile Robots (AMRs) for automation of warehousing logistics and deliveryplanning Sachin Karadgi LaFondation Dassault Systemes Non-Government A&R 7.2
3 Bio-chemicallysynthesized nanomaterials for the detection and
degradation of pesticides
Nagaraj Shetty SERB Government SAS 28.7
4 ProjectDevelopment of a Design Framework to Practice Nature Inspired Design forProduct Innovation GururajFattepur
Co-PI: Dr. Arun Y Patil
La FondationDassault Systemes Non-Government SME 5.52
5 MicrobialElectrosynthesis based production of ethylene from the valorization of foodand processing waste MohanakrishnaGunda
Dr. Nagaraj P. Shetti
SERB Government SAS 46.01
6 Green synthesis of nanoparticles in developingelectroanalytical sensors for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications Dr. ShwetaJ Malode
Co-PI- Nagaraj Shetty
VGST-RGS-F Government SAS 3
7 Research changes and Application in VisualIntelligence Dr. Ujwala Patil AICTE Government SoECE 3
8 Meity-Qcal-QSDL-Diabetic Retinopathy Dr.Satyadhyan
Meity Government SoCSE 15.888
9 e Krushi Precision Agriculture Dr. Suneeta V Budihal
Co-PI-Dr. Saroja V Siddamal
DST-SERB Government SoECE 15.68


S.No Name of the Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/ CoInvestigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Department Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 National language Translation mission - SpeechTechnologies in Indian Languages Nirmala S R MeiTy Government SoECE 22.23
2 e-KRUSHI: Precision Agriculture Suneeta V Budihal SERB POWER Government SoECE 1.8
3 Synthesis of novel Bio Nano material fortribological applications N R Banapurmath, Arun Patil AICTE-RPS Government CMS, SME 14.75
4 IDEA2POC scheme Arun Patil AmritaStartup-KITS Dept of Electronics, IT, BT, Karnataka State Government SME 15
5 Real time testing of sheep horn as impaactresistive material for accident prone regions in consumer vehicles Arun Patil Dassault system Non - government SME 9.9


S.No Name of the Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (ifapplicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Department Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 V-Vaidya:viral-intelligence based analysis of histopathology data towards thedetection of oral cancer. Dr.UjwalaPatil VGSTK-FIST L2 Government SoECE 20
2 Exploringthe interactions of Envelope and NS5 protiens of Kyasanur Forest Diseasevirus with existing and novel drugs using molecular modeling approach. Mr.SharanappaAchappa VGST:Research Grant for Scientist / Faculty (RGS/F) Government Biotechnology 3
3 Evaluationof essential oil based edible coating on extension of shelf life of OysterMushroom Dr.AshokSajjan UAS -Dharwar Government Chemistry 1
4 Samsung- SEED Lab Dr. UmaMudengudi, Dr. Meena S M SAMSUMG NonGovernment SoCSE 83.96
5 Samsung- SEED Lab Dr. UmaMudengudi, Dr. Nalini Iyer SAMSUMG NonGovernment SoECE 31.31


S.No Name of the Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (ifapplicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Department Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 NutritionalProfile and Metagenomics Insights of Microbial Diversity of Nuchhu Ambli- amillet-based traditional Fermented Food of North Karnataka. Dr.S VDesai VGST -K-FIST- Level 1. Government BT 15
2 Buildingawareness on IPR for MSME -IPEC Dr RaviGuttal Mr.Vinay Tigadi MSME Government SME 76.89


S.No Name of the Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Department Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 MachineLearning/Deep Learning techniques in agriculture domain Dr.UmaMudenagudi Dr.Ujwala Patil INDroneAero Systems NonGovernment SoECE 5
2 Crowdsourcing framework for digital archiving and presentation of culturalheritage Dr.UmaM\ Dr.Meena S M Dr.Shankar G DST/ICPSIHDS - 2018 Government SoECESoCSE 56.34
3 DigitalPoompuhar: Underwater IP and 3D Reconstruction Dr.Uma MDr.Shankar G DST/ICPSDP - 2017 Government SoECESoCSE 62.66


S.No Name of the Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (ifapplicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Department Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Developmentof 3D Digital Twin of PCB /maker GirishKarikatti LaFondation Dassault Systemes Non-Government A&R 0.50
2 Designand development of multi-mobile robot path planning and navigation systemFramework ShridharDodamani LaFondation Dassault Systemes Non-Government A&R 11
3 Researchchanges and Application in Visual Intelligence Dr.Ujwala Patil AICTE Government SoECE 3.00
4 IntelligentMachines Dr.Kiran R Patil TIH -IOT Chanakya UG/PG Fellowship program Government SoECE 4.8
5 Developmentof herbal formulation/active metabolites from plant source as anticanceragent B SHungund, Namratha Hegade AICTE-INSTITUTIONSINCUBATION COUNCIL Government BT 6
6 Designand development of learning kit on FPGA/SoC based hardware accelerator forboosting performance of AI based application in Autonomous robot JyothiBali Dassaultsystem Non -government ARE 3.8
7 Atal FDP- DL for Audio and Speech Processing Dr.Nirmala S R AICTE Government SoECE 0.93
8 Atal FDP- FPGS based DL in signal Processing Dr. R BShettar AICTE Government SoECE 0.93
9 Atal FDP- Digital forensics & Investigation Mr.Shivaraj Hublikar AICTE Government SoECE 0.93
10 Automatedgrading of Diabetic Retinopathy at PHC using distributed DL framework Dr. S RChikkerur, Dr.Shantala G, Mr. Mahesh P DST -NSM HPC Government SoCSE 19.88
11 Enhancinglearning through virtual reality – an exciting and emerging technology Dr.B BKotturshettar , Mr. Vinay Tigadi DassaultSystem NonGovernment SME 10
12 Designand development of automated storage and retrieval system as an educationalkit as 3 DEXPERIENCE Twin Dr.SachinKaradagi DassaultSystem NonGovernment ARE 8.5
13 Developmentof Humanoid Robot and its digital twin using 3D Experience Platform toenhance interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Prof.A CGiriyapur DassaultSystem NonGovernment ARE 8.5
14 RPS –Retrofitting of RCC Structures using new generation fibres Dr.ManojkumarChitawadgi AICTE-RPS-2019-20 Government Civil 7.80
15 Enablingwireless technology: Software defined Radio (SDR) applications Dr.SuneetaBudihal AICTE-STTP-2019-20 Government SOECE 3.12
16 ShapeRepresentation, Reconstruction and Rendering of 3D Models Dr.UmaMudengudi AICTE-RPS-2019-20 Government SOECE 5.64
17 Evaluationof Nano bacterial cellulose based packaging on shelf life of Tomato Dr.AshokSajjan UASDharwad Government Chemistry 2.5
18 MODROBin Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Dr.P GTewari AICTE-MODROB-2019-20 Government SME 11.21
19 SmartWater Management System Dr.SarojaV S VGST Government SoECE 40
20 Developmentof membranes for ethanol purification for fuel Dr.AshokSajjan Dr.N R Banapurmath UASDharwad Government ChemistrySME 6
21 3DReconstruction using Drone Images Dr.Uma M SamsungResearch Institute Bengaluru NonGovernment SoECE 6.5
22 Developmentof novel Nano composite hybrid polymer membranes for evaporation separationof water from industrial waste organic solvents Dr.AshokSajjan VGST–KFIST Level II Government SMEChemistry 40
23 Smartsystem for early detection of plant diseases and PEST infestation Dr.PrakashR Patil UASD Government SoCSEMCA 10
24 Establishingthe facility for Nano technology for structural and energy engineeringapplications Dr.S SQuadri KFIST –VGST Government Civil 10
25 Restorationof Motion Blur and Image Super Resolution for ADAS Dr.Uma M Continental NonGovernment SoECE 8.76
26 BiSEPproject Dr.L RPatil BiSEP Government Biotechnology 162.5
27 PrototypeAerial Sprayer Dr.P RPatil UASD Government MCA 22.5
28 Developmentof membrane filter technology for increasing heat efficiency of biogas forpower generation Dr.N RBanapurmath Dr.Ashok Sajjan UASDharwar Government ChemistryMechanical 10
29 Gesturebased virtual walkthrough of digital heritage sites - Hampi Dr.Uma M DST Government E&C 14.624
30 RobustHorizon detection Dr.Uma M DRDO Government E&C 9.7
31 Developmentof membrane filter technology for increasing heat efficiency of biogas forpower generation Dr.N RBanapurmath Dr.Ashok Sajjan UASD Government MechanicalChemistry 10
32 Economicalproduction of Eco friendly Bioplastic material for packaging segment Dr.JayachandraS Y BBC -KBITS Government SME 25
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