Jul 02, 2023

World Water Day 2022

World Water Day 2022

Department of Civil Engineering organised World Water Day in Silver Jubilee Auditorium on the
theme Groundwater – Making the Invisible Visible.
Dr. Basavaraj Kategeri, Principal, KLE Dr. MSSCET was the President of the function.
Dr. M. Manjunath, Head of Civil Engineering Department, was the Convener of the function. Dr. Praveen Ghorpade, Dean Academics, Expert Talk on the theme Groundwater – Making the
Invisible Visible


Dr. M. Manjunath formally welcomed the dignitaries and the audience.
Dr. R.V.Raikar, Dean R & D, did floral welcome to the dignitaries.
Dr. Praveen Ghorpade spoke regarding the Groundwater and its importance, he stressed on how
knowingly and unknowingly the groundwater is getting polluted and in due course of time there will
be a large scarcity of groundwater, in some parts of the world this problem already exits and also
briefed about how best we can try to conserve or protect the existing groundwater.
Dr. Basavaraj Kategeri gave presidential remark on the theme Groundwater – Making the Invisible
Visible and stressed it’s the duty of every citizen to protect and conserve available water for the
future generations.

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coe@kletech.ac.in (Controller of Examinations)