Sep 23, 2019

Virtual Bio-instrumentation using LabVIEW

Virtual Bio-instrumentation using LabVIEW

Three Days workshop on “Virtual Bio-instrumentation using LabVIEW”, from 23rd to 25th September 2019

Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted an ISTE sponsored, Three Days workshop on “Virtual Bio-instrumentation using LabVIEW” for 5 th semester students, from 23rd to 25th September 2019. Mr. Sunil Kumar V, Managing Director and Mr.Nagarajan, Senior Application Engineer, VI Solutions, Bengaluru, were the resource persons for the workshop. By inaugurating the workshop Mr. Sunil Kumar briefed about the scopes and recent developments in the field of virtual instrumentation using LabVIEW. He also enlightened on carrier opportunities of LabVIEW in diverse fields of Engineering. Through hands on sessions, Mr. Sunil Kumar elaborated the concepts of sensors, data acquisition, instrumentation, embedded programming, biomedical signal acquisition and analysis with real time systems. Mr. Nagarajan addressed the concepts of modular programming, Medical device development applications and Healthcare Information Management Systems using LabVIEW.

Dr. Raviraj Havaldar Head, Department Biomedical Engineering stressed upon the regular practice of LabVIEW which has helped the student community inlarge, as quoted by various employers. Workshop was Coordinated by Prof. Shobha .R Hiremath.

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