May 28, 2022

Product Analysis Competition 2022

Product Analysis Competition 2022

Department of Bio-Medical Engineering conducted its Annual In-House Management-Cum-Technical Event, “Product Analysis Competition 2022” on 28th May 2022, at KLE Dr. MSSCET, Belagavi from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM. The event was graced by the presence of esteemed dignitaries – (1) Mr. Sunil Chaudhari CEO, Competent Systems, Pune (2) Dr. Prayag Gokhale, Head, Department of MBA, KLE Dr. MSSCET, Belagavi and (3) Ms. Nandita B. Yenagi CEO, Adaptive Agritech Solutions and Teknovator Solutions, Belagavi. There were 22 participants, divided into two teams Team A (Neohope Private Limited) and Team B (Neogen). Each team started with a presentation of their company and launched their product Bubble - CPAP. Both the teams exhibited their oratorical and technical skills, team work and leadership skills. But after a grilling session with the Judges, Team B (Neogen) was unanimously declared as the Winner.

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