Dec 02, 2022

Mini-project -2022

Mini-project -2022

The Mini Project Exhibition 2021-22 was held on 02/12/2022 at KLE Technological University’s Dr. MSSCET, Belagavi in the Department of CSE. The invited judges were our own alumni Mrs. Nanda Bolishetty, Software Engineer Dell R&D and Miss Radhika Joshi, Technology Analyst Infosys. The judges encouraged the students to take up projects apart from their regular curriculum. The Inaugural function was graced by Dean R&D, Dr. R .V. Raikar and Dean Academics, Dr. Praveen Ghorpade. HOD, Dr. Rajashri Khanai highlighted upon the importance of multidisciplinary projects. Total 37 multidisciplinary projects were exhibited by students. The project teams comprised of students from various branches like E&C, E&E, Mech. and Civil.

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