Dec 01, 2023

Importance of Medical Equipment Testing and Calibration

Importance of Medical Equipment Testing and Calibration

Webinar in the series of Translational Biomedical Engineering on "Importance of Medical Equipment Testing and Calibration"

It is incredibly important from a moral, technological, medical and legal standpoint that all medical equipment is in full working order, safe to use, and calibrated to the highest level of accuracy.
Department of Biomedical Engineering at KLE Dr. M S Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology, Belagavi had organized second Webinar in the series of Translational Biomedical Engineering on "Importance of Medical Equipment Testing and Calibration" In association with Top Biomed. The resource person Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Business Unit Manager, Oregon Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore. 900+ participants across India and abroad and from Health Care Industry, Clinical Engineers and Hospital Engineers attended and got benefited.

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