The alumni of KLE Law College, Bengaluru have constantly reverted and understand the responsibility they have contributed towards the alma mater in various capacities.

They have contributed immensely towards the growth of the institution through academic engagements such as guest lectures, seminars, and professional guidance and assisting college students in securing full time and part-time internships. The utilization of professional expertise of alumni is channelized and they have been invited for various academic events like Trial Advocacy, Client Counseling, Legal Drafting, Judgment Writing Competitions, and as panel members for Conferences and Seminars.

In creating awareness among the students about college academic/non-academic skills and orienting newly admitted students during Induction and Orientation Programme, the alumni played a responsible role and enlightened the students through their practical experiences about their career objectives by addressing the compatibility between the professional courses opted and its prospects and dividends it yields in the future course.


Alumni From

In 2014, to make the process of alumni contribution in a better and structured manner, a concrete step was taken towards formalization of alumni association by organizing a grand alumni meet followed by the inauguration of Alumni Association by Mrs Vijaya Hanumanthgada Advocate, alumni from the first batch. Around 350 alumni from the first batch of 1975 to the then last batch of 2013 joined for the alumni meet. The members resolved to create an ad-hoc executive committee which would be the steering committee for the creation of the formal alumni association of the KLE Law College, Bengaluru. The Ad-hoc committee met periodically to chart out the details regarding the formal Alumni Association. Further, the official members of the alumni association formulated the by-laws which would govern the functioning of the association.

The Alumni Association was constituted in the year 2017 as a registered association bearing number DRB4/SOR/25/2018-19. The Alumni association also planned to take pro-active participation in the regular activities of the college by contributing in terms of tangible and intangible resources towards the progress of its alma mater. The alumni association for the coming academic year is planning to institute scholarships to the meritorious students to encourage their academic performances. Intended objectives of its establishment, the KLE Law College Alumni Association, organized the Alumni Day on 13th April 2018. More than 300 alumni inclusive of graduating batches of 5 years BALLB, BBALLB and 3-year LLB attended the meet to resolve the alumni association objectives.


The Alumni association members meet often for distribution and allocation of responsibilities, to keep track of its activities and for the future course of action, to coordinate with other committee members for conducting activities in the college. Adding glory to the institution, the association members played a visionary role and facilitated in building efficient and effective alumni associations.
