School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Dean of Faculty

Dr. Nalini Iyer

Electrical & Electronics

Concerned Head of the School


Dr. A B Raju

Head of the Department

Prof. & Head, Electrical & Electronics Engg. Dept. KLETU, Hubli.


Dr. Uday V Wali

Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engg. Dept. KLETU, Hubli.

ONE Professor, ONE Associate Professor and ONE Assistant Professor from the Department/ School/ Centre, nominated by the Dean Academic Affairs

Dr. Kiran R Patil

Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engg. Dept. KLETU, Hubli.

ONE Professor, ONE Associate Professor and ONE Assistant Professor from the Department/ School/ Centre, nominated by the Dean Academic Affairs

Mr. Anoopkumar Patil

Asst. Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engg. Dept. KLETU, Hubli.

ONE Professor, ONE Associate Professor and ONE Assistant Professor from the Department/ School/ Centre, nominated by the Dean Academic Affairs

Dr. D N Gaonkar

Associate Professor, E&E Dept., NITK, Surathkal

TWO Subject experts from outside the college nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

Dr. Abhijit Kshirsagar

Asst. Professor, Electrical Engineering. IIT, Dharwad

TWO Subject experts from outside the college nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

Mr. Allahbaksh Asadullah

Associate Vice President and Principal Code of Architect. Infosys Ltd., Hubballi.

TWO representative from industry corporate sector/ allied area relating to placement nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

Dr. Yashomani Yashodhan

Kolhatkar Engineering Group Manager at Bosch Engineering and Business Postal RBEI, Bangalore.

TWO representative from industry corporate sector/ allied area relating to placement nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

Ms. Anupama R Itagi

Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engg. Dept. KLETU, Hubli.

Co-opted Members

Dr. Phanikumar

LTTS., Bangalore

Co-opted Members

Dr. Rakhee Kallimani

Associate. Prof & HOD Electrical & Electronics Engg. Dept. KLESCET, Belgaum

TWO Senior faculty / HoD from the Constituent College


Associate Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engg. Dept. KLESCET, Belgaum

TWO Senior faculty / HoD from the Constituent College

Dr. Vijay Babu,

Associate Professor, MIT, Manipal.

ONE Post-graduate meritorious alumnus nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

Ms. Vijeta R Shetty , Mr. Adarsh Allayyanavarmath

VIII Semester Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering KLETU, Hubli.

ONE Student Member representing each of the program offered by the Department/ School/ Centre

Mrs. Minal Salunke

Asst. Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engg. Dept. KLETU, Hubli.

ONE Senior faculty member nominated by the concerned Head of the Department
