School of Civil Engineering

“Research is an expression of faith in the possibility of progress. The drive that leads scholars to study a topic has to include the belief that new things can be discovered, that newer can be better, and that greater depth of understanding is achievable.

Research, especially academic research, is a form of optimism about the human condition.” ~ Henry Rosovsky. Solving the problems faced by society by providing reliable, safe, and cost-effective designs, innovative materials, and systems have been the driving force behind the research team of our school. Tangible focus and resources are implemented to advance the existing trends in the field of civil engineering. A wide array of tools and systems are deployed, ranging from Nano level to macro level.


The school conducts state of the art research in the following fields of Civil Engineering:

  • Dynamics and earthquake engineering
  • Smart / Hybrid Composite materials
  • New generation concrete
  • Environmental Geotechnics
  • Deep Foundations
  • Nanotechnology
  • Machine learning and deep learning neural network applications in Civil Engineering.
  • Sustainability in Construction Management

Our research fields are extensively studied to align with the broader fields of research as identified by the Government of India. The following research canvas depicts our research fields contributing to the broader areas.


Dedicated faculty have been guiding future researchers in their pursuit of a Doctoral degree in our institute. We have state-of-the-art labs, analysis software researchers use, and a research culture where young minds thrive.


Sl. No Year Title of Patent Patent Application No. Inventors Type Current Status
1 2019-20 Ceramic nanocomposite for nuclear radiation shielding application 201941038623 Shankar A. Hallad


N. R. Banapurmath

Anand M. Hunashyal

Ashok S. Shettar

Online Published
2 2017-18 Ceramic Membrane filtration 201641034227 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Anand M. Hunashyal Ashok S. Shettar Online Published
3 2017-18 Synthesis of Nano-Coolant 201641034226.00 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Anand M. Hunashyal Akshay P. M Ashok S. Shettar online Published
4 2016-17 Potash Alum Reinforced in Epoxy Resin 201614002919 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Anand M. Hunashyal Chetan Kulkarni Ashok S. Shettar Online Published
2016-17 Nano ceramic coating for cement composites 201641034228 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Anand M. HunashyalSreelekshmi B. Shridevi H. Ashok S. Shettar Online Published
6 2015-16 Nanocomposites for cutting tool tip 4628/CHE/2015 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Arun Y. Patil Anand M. Hunashyal Ashok S. Shettar Online Published
7 2015-16 Nano-composite coatings for Tribological applications 2182/CHE/2015 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Arun Y. Patil Anand M. Hunashyal Ashok S. Shettar Online Published

Patent Details

Sl.No Application Number Applicants Title Date of application
1 201941019361 A Anand Hunashyal and Sandeep Gujjar Multi-walled carbon nano tubes, nano oxide and resin hybrid nano composite and process for preparation 20/11/2020
2 201941015294 A Anand Hunashyal and Sandeep Gujjar System and method for displaying physiological information 23/10/2020
3 201941015870 A Anand Hunashyal and Sandeep Gujjar Multi-walled carbon nano tubs, nano cerium oxide and epoxy resin hybrid nano composite and process for preparation 30/10/2020
4 201941019644 A Anand Hunashyal and Sandeep Gujjar Multi-walled carbon nano tubes, nano graphene oxide and polyester resin hybrid nano composite and process for preparation 20/11/2020
5 202041022120 Vithal Jadhav Traffic controlling spike mat 27/5/2020
6 201941016641 Vithal Jadhav Thermo geo plastic technology in pavement construction and manufacturing pavement 26/4/2019
7 201941050383 Vithal Jadhav Innovation idea of adopting universal unique vehicle number chip 6/12/2019
8 201941038623 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Anand M. Hunashyal Ashok S. Shettar Ceramic nanocomposite for nuclear radiation shielding application 25/09/2019
9 201841017610 Vithal Jadhav Geo tyre stabilization technology in pavement construction 10/5/2018
10 201641034227 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Anand M. Hunashyal Ashok S. Shettar Ceramic Membrane filtration 06/04/2017
11 201641034226 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Anand M. Hunashyal Akshay P. M Ashok S. Shettar Synthesis of Nano-Coolant 06/04/2017
12 201641002919 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Anand M. Hunashyal Chetan Kulkarni Ashok S. Shettar A Polymer composite(Potash Alum Reinforced in Epoxy Resin) 27/01/2016
13 201641034228 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Anand M. Hunashyal Roopa AK Sreelekshmi B. Shridevi H. Ashok S. Shettar Nano ceramic coating for cement composites 06/10/2016
14 4628/CHE/2015 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Arun Y. Patil Anand M. Hunashyal Ashok S. Shettar Nanocomposites for cutting tool tip 02/09/2015
15 2182/CHE/2015 Shankar A. Hallad N. R. Banapurmath Arun Y. Patil Anand M. Hunashyal Ashok S. Shettar Nano-composite coatings for Tribological applications 29/04/2015



Name of Faculty Title of the Paper Conference/Journal
Roopa A.K , Dr. A.M. Hunashyal Smart hybrid nano composite concrete embedded sensors for structural health monitoring Materials Today Proceeding, Volume 27, Part 1, 2020, Pages 603-609



Roopa A.K , Dr. A.M. Hunashyal Enhancing Students learning in Mechanics of Material through Contextual learning Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume 33 , No. 3, January 2020, ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707
Dr. A.M. Hunashyal Enhancement of Mechanical property by  the reinforcement of Flyash in aluminium metal matrix composite Materials Today Proceeding, Volume 24, Part 2, 2020, Pages 1654-1659



Dr. A.M. Hunashyal Influence of MWCNTS /Zinc oxide nanoparticle /Epoxy resin composite coating on mild steel to enhance anticorrosion and mechanical properties International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075
Dr. A.M. Hunashyal Analyzing delayed of construction project in western part of Mumbai, causes and effects International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-5, March 2020
Dr. A.M. Hunashyal Investigational study of mwcnt’s/silicon oxide nanoparticles/epoxy resin nanocomposite coating on mild steel for anticorrosion and mechanical properties International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research
Dr M.V.Chitawadagi Multi-Scale Study on Mechanical Property and Strength of New Green Sand (Poly Lactic Acid) as Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mix Symmetry
Dr.S.S.Dyavanal THA of Three Storey RC Buildings under Varying Frequency Contents



SSRG International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology
Shivaraj Halyal Study on operational characteristics of Hubli-Dharwad Bus Rapid Transit System in comparison with heterogeneous traffic lane. International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2020, VNIT, Nagpur
Khalida M. & Shivaraj Halyal Characterization of shredded waste plastic on warm stone mastic asphalt. International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2020, VNIT, Nagpur
Prema Malali & G.C.Bellad Adsorption of fluoride using nano particles of iron-aluminium oxide with activated sugarcane bagasse International conference on advanced material science and applications
Chaitanya Akkannavar Behaviour Of Multi-Storey RC


Structures Subjected to Sudden Column Loss Scenario.

Five Day Virtual International Conference on “Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering”
Basanagouda Patil & Bapugouda Biradar Mitigation of Seismic pounding observed in adjacent buildings using fluid viscous dampers. Civil Engineering Trends and Challenges for Sustainability.
Shashwath Nanjannavar Life cycle costing on a building, an approach to make building energy efficient. Civil Engineering Trends and Challenges for Sustainability.


Sl. No. Name of Faculty Title of the Paper Conference/Journal
1 Dr. A.M.Hunashyal Study of the surfactants role in natural fibres reinforced composites for structural applications IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,Volume 577,International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Applications (IConAMMA-2018) 16–18 August 2018, Bengaluru, India
2 Dr. A.M.Hunashyal Nanocomposites for structural and energy applications Handbook of Ecomaterialspp 833-854, January 2018.
3 Dr. A.M.Hunashyal Alternative and renewable bio-based and biodegradable plastics Handbook of Ecomaterialspp 2935-2954, 14 February 2019.
4 Dr. A.M.Hunashyal Synthesis techniques for preparation of nanomaterials Handbook of Ecomaterialspp 1-21, 12 December 2017.
5 Dr. V.B.Patil Performance of Steel Moment Resisting Frame with Friction Damper in Different Bracing System International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 11 (2019) pp. 2543-2552 © Research India Publications.