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Department of Civil Engineering
Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri Campus
Civil Engineering has a broad domain, among the important subdivisions are Construction Engineering, Structural Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Soil and Foundation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geodetic Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, and Coastal & Ocean engineering.
The Department of Civil Engineering presently offers undergraduate program with a intake of 60 students and two post graduate program in Structural Engineering and Environmental Engineering. The department is also having a research centre for pursuing full time/part time Ph. D. Program.
The Department has MoU with National Institute of Hydrology, New Delhi, National Highway Authority of India, New Delhi and other premier organizations for collaborative research and student internship.
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At KLE Tech., placement preparations begin from the second year itself. Vikas classes are conducted regularly which help to develop inter personal and professional skills and also to train us crack the competative and aptitude tests. Large number of companies visit our campus and I am glad that, I was able to get into the compnay I was always aim for.
Events conducted by CTIE, such as PUPA, Butterfly and Intel Ideation camp allow us to test our ideas