Training of KLE International School Students

KLE International School Students: of 7th and 8th standard students were trained on the state of art machines like 3D printing, Laser cutting/engraving, CNC carving, CNC Wood router and 3D modelling skills. Students underwent a hands-on training on all the machines and the relevant software for a period of one week.

Training of MBA Students

An in house training was conducted for First and second year students of MBA on 3D scanning, 3D Printing, Laser engraving and Wood router Machine for a duration of 5 days. In the training students were allowed to work on the machines individually so as to gain the handson expertise.

Training of ITI Students

A 12 days professional skilling program was conducted for ITI students of KLE, Bailhongal. During the training period the food and accommodation was provided to the participants. The students were trained on the smart manufacturing concepts like PCB prototyping, 3D printing, Laser cutting/engraving, CNC carving, CNC Wood router 3D modelling and 3D Scanning. The students were given an experiential hands-on training on the machines and at the end of the program they were asked to execute small projects.

PCB Prototyping Workshop

A PCB protyping workshop was conducted by our AICTE IDEA Lab in association with Enthu-Technologies Coimbatore for 5th sem students for 3 days. Students were given a training on Electronic Circuit design using Auto desk Eagle software and were trained on Mach-Mill software for the generation of Tool paths so as to mill the PCBs. During the program students also designed and produced PCB’s for a specific application.

IOT Workshop

Students across the various college participated in the Five days workshop on IOT, where they were given a training on Arduino Uno and an open source IOT platform named Thingspeak. Students could build the IOT cars during the workshop by utilizing the skills of Arduino and Thingspeak. They also built the chassis of the car by using the Laser cutting machine on their own by cutting the Acrylic shape to a definite shape.
