The primary objective of CEER is to actively promote innovations in engineering education, systematically gather insights from successful initiatives, compile best practices, and institutionalize these advancements to further enhance the overall educational experience at KLE Tech.
“Engineering Exploration” course is a unique innovation born in the educational ecosystem of KLE Tech. This first-year course is co-designed and team taught by faculty members from multiple engineering disciplines. It focuses on problem solving, engineering design, multi-disciplinary skills, ethics and sustainability.
It follows PBL pedagogy and students work in teams to solve identified problems. All projects designed by students in this course are Arduino based and are built using several electrical and electronic components. Students collaboratively solve identified problems to design mechatronic prototypes. The learning spaces are designed to promote teamwork and collaboration. Students ideate, design and build prototypes in a safe and friendly prototyping facility - “Tinkering Lab” which is equipped with necessary modern tools and equipment.