The minimum duration of the BCA Program is 3 years.

There is a provision for BCA (Honours) program by studying extra courses for additional 1 year that offers specialization in certain areas such as Cyber Security, and Full Stack Development.



BCA Honours with Cyber Security Specialization (4th year)

VII semester

  • Cryptography and Information Security
  • Cybercrime Investigation and Digital Forensics
  • Cyber Attacks and Counter measures
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Senior Design Project – 1

VIII semester

  • Cyber Law in India
  • Blockchain Technologies
  • Senior Design Project – 2
BCA Honours with Full Stack Development Specialization (4th year)

VII semester

  • Application Development with React and MongoDB
  • RESTfull Web services using Django
  • DevOps
  • Web Application Security
  • Senior Design Project – 1

VIII semester

  • Full Stack Cloud Development
  • Software Testing and Automation
  • Senior Design Project – 2


